Last week we made very HAPPY video!

 Ryna dancing for the camera  & Everyone came out of their houses to see what we were doing

Here is our HAPPY video:

Today we see 8,396 people have watch our film on YouTube and that make us VERY HAPPY! Today our teacher ask us 3 question about film and we answer and write on this blog

Chamreoun and Sothon writing the blog

 Question 1 - What was your favourite part of making your HAPPY film?


My favourite part was dancing with the Special Education Project children. I liked it when everyone joined togethers.
Chamreoun is Famous! & Sothon is now a film star!


I really like the part when we worked with other children and staff at centre Epic Arts to help them dance happy

Question 2 - When you watched the HAPPY film, what or who made you laugh the most? 


I watch the happy film and laugh at Sothon and when Nita dance in Kitchen, other children smiles make me happy and laughing too


When I saw Nita dancing with a meat cleaver in her hand I was afraid and said WoooooWW!!! But I know she joking. 

Question 3 - Over 8,000 have seen the HAPPY film you made! What message would you like to send to them and to all the people around the world?


I am very happy many people watched it. Please remember if you have a disability please have hope and don't be sad as we can all do many things together and give hope inside


I am so happy and proud about myself for doing this film and be strong to be singer (I was not confident before). I say WOW that so many people has watched our film. Thank you for watching our film and supporting us. WE ARE IN THE WORLD NOW!!!

What do the other Inclusive Arts Student think?

We decided the ask some of the other Inclusive Arts student in group at Epic Arts to give message to world watching our film….this is whats they say:


I have learnt at Epic Arts we can count. Disability or not disability it is ok, together we are equal and we all have importance here.


If you are deaf, hearing, disability in any way and not-disability we are all equal, we can be together. I too think Facebook and internet good way for all us to communicate as we can use picture, film, sound and words so everyone can join together.
Thaly can't believe he is in a film! & Ryna has got the moves!


Thank you for watch our film and for encouraging us. I hope you will keep supporting and share to many people. I am not shy to have disability as I am treated equal and not invisible here.


Thank you it is very important thing to me you watch our film and you are interested in us as group…..we all feel important now, not scared or alone.

Socheat dancing on the river front! & Thou and Maly are dancing in the street!
 All Inclusive Arts Students see HAPPY for the first time
Here are some other people in our HAPPY film who we love and that work at Epic Arts. They very happy when we show film to them.

The happy man from the village next to Epic Arts Centre

 Chakriya is our English/Khmer translator & Narith is our sign-language translator

Thank you for reading this blog….we will write again about our activity at Epic Arts next week.

Chamreoun, Sothon and all the Inclusive Arts Students at Epic Arts Cambodia xxxxxx